Ground Rules
Ground Rules
The Rules for the 2025 are shown below.
Participants must be a registered and active Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, or Arrow of Light Cub Scout in the San Diego - Imperial Council at the time of their Pack's Cub Scout race. Registration will be verified. An Arrow of Light Scout that has subsequently bridged may still represent his or her pack at the Be A Scout Fair wearing his or her Cub uniform.
Two (2) Cub Scouts will be selected by the Pack to represent the unit.
All Packs must submit their application by registering via the online registration system (usually done by the Cubmaster) prior to the cutoff date (Two weeks before the Be A Scout Fair) to compete. Packs who have not held their race prior to the cutoff date must submit an application listing car owner as "Racer Name not yet known." If you use this option, you must edit your online registration as soon as you know the racers name no less than 12 days before the Be A Scout Fair to have the racers name on the certificate.
Each participant will race his or her car on the day of the Be A Scout Fair. In case of sickness or emergency the Pack may send a substitute racer and/or car.
Only racers and San Diego 500 staff will be allowed in the racing area. Parents will be invited to join winning racers for awards.
Heats may be rerun at the discretion of race officials (I.E.: fouled track, broken car etc.). Wheel or axle repair during the race may be done if the fix can be made in less than three minutes. Any trim or weight that falls off during the race may not be replaced. If a car jumps the lane guide or fouls the track the race will be rerun. If the same car interferes again, it will lose that heat.
Unsportsmanlike conduct by any participant will be grounds for expulsion from the race area and elimination. (Participant includes family, parents, etc. of the racer.)
Finalists from each session will race at specified times to determine district winners. The district finalists will compete to determine the council winner. All races will be held on the day of the Be A Scout Fair.
There will be a first, second and third place award for both district and council winners.
Willful cheating discovered during the check-in or race itself may be grounds for immediate disqualification. Some examples include the discovery of added weight or lubrication after check-in, or the use of illegal axles and wheels (especially when combined with attempt to circumvent the specifications using purchased wheels and axles that are sold online as "indistinguishable from Official BSA Wheels and Axles".)
Please help us keep this race fair for all Cub Scouts from across the Council by helping your Scout construct the best car he or she can, within the letter (and spirit) of the race rules, specifications, and guidelines.